1. I will move on. I will not wallow. I will not watch romantic comedies or listen to old-school wallowing music, including but not limited to: Celine Dion, Brandy's Have You Ever cd, Mariah Carey pre-makeover.
2. I will eat more carbs because I like carbs. I will learn to cook delicious, fancy pasta dishes.
3. I will audition for more challenging parts. I will not be afraid of failure.
4. I will learn how to...I don't know. Do something fun. Like surf. Or knit.
5. I will find a new pay-the-bills job SOON.
6. I will enjoy being single. I will rock it like Carrie Bradshaw.
7. I will find a strong role-model who is not a fictional character.
8. I will not be ashamed of my reality-tv habit. I like reality tv. I will stop watching those doomsday specials on the smart-channels that explain the top ways the country (and, specifically, my state) will be obliterated from the planet.
9. I will keep up with this blog as an experiment in honesty because I am sick sick sick of holding back my real thoughts out of fear of what other people might think about me.
10. I will spend more time outside. Nature is much better therapy than any doctor I can afford.
5 weeks ago
cheers! great start! keep on blogging!